Simple Chicken and Feta Tabouleh Salad

My friend Jalal posted an amazing video a few month ago of his mother making Tabouleh Salad from scratch.  It is an art and from what I have heard she is a wonderful cook.  If you have the time I recommend checking out her video and trying it from scratch (  Unfortunately I left work late today and had a big craving for Tabouleh but did not have the time or energy to go to the grocery story and then make Tabouleh from scratch. I technically "cheated" and purchased the Tabouleh from Trader Joes but then added my own touches and ingredients to it. It turned out so good I thought it would share this simple, yet tasty summer meal. Enjoy!


  • Tortillas
  • 2 chicken breast marinated in balsamic vinegar and lemon and grilled or cook
  • 2 cups Tabouleh
  • 1/2 cup of feta cheese
  • 1/2 cup sunflower seeds


  • Marinate chicken in balsamic veingar, oil and lemon juice for 2 hours or more
  • Cook chick in skillet or grill until fully cooked
  • Shred chicken and mixed with the Tabouleh
  • Add sour cream and feta cheese until evenly distributed
  • Finally sprinkle with sunflower seeds
  • Serve on top of salad with balsamic dressing or in a tortilla and warmed like a quesadilla
